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Our values


To delve into the history of Desrues is to explore the story of jewelry and fashion over the last century. The jewelry of the greatest luxury houses takes shape here, where tradition meets cutting-edge technology.


Each new collection is exhilarating. Desrues works in close collaboration with creative studios, providing them with the techniques and resources required to develop industrialized processes within short turnaround times.


Desrues draws on dozens of traditional and innovative techniques to turn a client request into a finished product. Model-making, founding, tribofinishing, electroplating, assembly, rhinestone-setting, enameling, dyeing, leather braiding and glass shaping… This savoir-faire is passed along from one craftsman to the next, carrying forth the spirit of Desrues.


Desrues makes use of cutting-edge technology to address demands for creativity and responsiveness. Going above and beyond hand-crafting: In today’s world, additive manufacturing and robotization make it possible to scan real objects and enrich the creative process.


Designing beautiful, durable objects that stand the test of time, fulfilling clients’ specifications: Quality is at the heart of the Desrues approach.

Responsible employer

With three hundred employees, Desrues is a leader in job creation on a regional scale.


To consult our gender equality charter, click on the link below

Index de l’égalité salariale Femmes-Hommes [PDF] – 41Ko